Data & Stats

Economy Overview



Population grew by 7,136 over the last 5 years and is projected to grow by 7,280 over the next 5 years.


Total Regional Employment

Jobs grew by 1,849 over the last 5 years and are projected to grow by 3,359 over the next 5 years.


Median Household Income

Carroll County has the second-highest median household income of comparable cities and the highest among those with major universities and an average household income of $80k.

Educational Attainment

Concerning educational attainment, 10.12% of Carroll County, GA residents possess a Bachelor's Degree (10.88 % below the national average), and 22.29% hold an Associate's Degree (13.69% above the national average).


Population Trends

The county's population is projected to increase by 30,000 in 2040. 45% of the 30,000 increase (13,650) is expected to be in the 25 and under age demographic population.


Job Trends

From 2015 to 2020, jobs increased by 4.2% in Carroll County, GA from 44,166 to 46,015. This change outpaced the national growth rate of 1.3% by 2.9%.


Population Characteristics



Carroll County, GA has 23,782 millennials (ages 25-39). The national average for an area this size is 24,740.

retiring soon

Retiring Soon

Retirement risk is low in Carroll County, GA. The national average for an area this size is 35,279 people 55 or older, while there are 30,662 here.

racial diversity

Racial Diversity

Racial diversity is low in Carroll County, GA. The national average for an area this size is 47,863 racially diverse people, while there are 35,522 here.



Carroll County, GA has 5,957 veterans. The national average for an area this size is 6,664.

violent crime

Violent Crime

Carroll County, GA has 1.82 violent crimes per 1,000 people. The national rate is 3.53 per 1,000 people.

property crime

Property Crime

Carroll County, GA has 15.42 property crimes per 1,000 people. The national rate is 19.79 per 1,000 people.

Industry Characteristics

Largest Industries

Industry Characteristics

Workforce Characteristics

Largest Occupations

Workforce Characteristics

Top Growing Occupations

Top Growing Occupations